Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Review: Modded BBB (Big Bad Bow)

First off, hands off to imodify for 10 followers (now 15!), keep up the followin'!. Second, I apologize I didnt post something in a long time, school is getting on the top of my priority list. So NO im not dead, NO im not quitting nerf, but i wont be posting often as of now. But i'll try my best on keeping up the posting! But lets get serious, Heres my modified Big bad bow! (BBB for short).

Heres what it looks like stock...
And heres what it looks like modded!
Its a PVC coupler, not a CPVC.
And if you think it cant fire arrows.....
Well your wrong!
Thats all for now. Sorry for the short post. I'll have another modded gun up on saturday if I feel like it. *Hint hint, its not a springer!
Thats all for now. See you guys later!


  1. NICE!,Does it really work will the rscb clip?

    Good job -imodify-

    1. Does it really work with the rscb clip*

    2. it works better with a single berrel better for some reason but thanks

    3. You have too much deadspace in that rscb, me thinks. Try doing this:


    4. I know. . RSCB's creatre deadspace as the clip goes. I am interested to do that mod, but i cant with this one. If i get another BBB, ill defenatly do that mod.

  2. Do a tutorial on modding the maverick

    1. Not trying to sound rude, but theres alot of toutorials on youtube, but if you want a specific mod, i think imodify would have to take care of that. (mavericks hate me)

  3. There are a lot tutorials on mavs but I will do 1 soon!


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