
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The LS Titan integration WIP

Hey guys, so I was looking at my singled Longshot and then I noticed I used way short of a barrel. So I opened it up, regressed it, added Teflon tape under the o-ring, added a Xploderz spring (total spring combo so far is.. Xploderz, LS, NF) redid the barrel to  11" then test fired it!

It worked awesome! It hits about 95ft flat with slugs, then... I looked at the front gun, I didn't really like it so I looked at what I had. I looked at my Titan and said 'hehe'

SO, here's some progress pics!

Comment below of what I should name this!

I need some E-puddy.

Yep, still catches. :D

And here's a demo:

Thanks for reading!
Comment below of what I should call this!


  1. Imod, I'm scared to go into a nerf battle with you.

    That's really cool! Umm maybe the tishot?
    Or...or... the long titan!

    I'm not sure :P


    1. Heh, I will destroy you! :P

      Yeah, I think I like the Long-Titan.


  2. If you could, I'd shorten the Titan handle, but aside from that, perfect!

  3. Titanshot - FrostNerfer

  4. Primary ------TitanShot (with your absolver
    Secondary ----FireTitan
    Tirciary ------AT2K
    4th blaster--- CPVC Firefly
    5th --- ---- Couplered Element
    and a crap-ton of stefans

    How's that for a loadout? I can see why WM wouldn't wanna hgo to a war with you :]

    1. LOL, but just FYI.....

      The fireTian is my singled Firefly, AT2K needs a new tank. And the Element is my friends :D

    2. Well, if everything was yours and was working greatly then,...

  5. I agree with wing TitShot seems the most appropriate , especially if you have a huge absolver on the titan

  6. That's pretty cool. Nice job!


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