
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Template Making

Hey guys, this is a quick post about my templates i've been making!
1/2" CPVC speedloader spacer template. Not final. 
4 barrel PVC speedloader spacer template. Not final.
4 barrel CPVC speedloader spacer. Not final.

I worked on the 4 barrel CPVC spacer for 3 hours, it's perfect :D

So I hope to get some polycarbonate soon to make these and sell them!

Comment of what you think,


  1. -_- that's unfair

    Really nice work! I'm impressed!

    I think that could sell really high, keep it up!


    1. Heh, I think it is fair ;)

      Glad your impressed, it means a lot!

      How much should I sell them for? And how much would you pay (just asking)


Let Me Know What You Think!