
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Product Review: NH1 Attachment!

Hello there! has sent me their product called the 'NH1'. You may be wondering "what is a NH1?!" Well, it's an adapter for your Nerf tactical rails that allows you to attach: lasers, flash lights, and many more! Let's see some pictures!

The NH1 is about 2 inches long and comes with two O-rings.
More After The Jump!

The NH1. Looks pretty nice.

I will note that it's pretty hard to slide it on standard rails. Just make sure to have Mr. File ready ;)

I'm using the larger O-ring to hold my 'nano jolt'. 
Also, the NH1 is a lighter color blue than most Nerf blues. My camera had trouble picking the color up.

Who put that on there O_O
don't try this at home...... just a joke.
The NH1 is VERY strong. And as long the O-rings fits on the object, it's not going anywhere.... please check out their website! ==>


Looks: 7 out of 10
Strength: 9 out of 10
Final Rating: 8.5 out of 10
Thank you NerfTech for giving me the chance to review your item!


  1. Looks like a nice piece of kit. How big a knife does it hold? :P

    1. I'm very impressed with it. And that was hard to get on. :)

  2. Haha. I was the first one in the WORLD to have one of these guys. I really dont think they are worth the buck.


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