
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

50,000 + Give-A-Way Starting Now!

50,000! Wooooooooaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh............. how did this blog hit 50,000..... HOW PEOPLE?! :D

Thank you sooo much, I mean it...... The best way to pay back all the views/followers is to do the Give-A-Way!

Now the prize might be different, we're working on it. But don't worry about that!
NOW, to enter the give-a-way all you have to do is:

1. Email me at: nerfmods12(at)

2. Make the subject say: I wanna win!

3. Type something in the description if you wish.
That simple. I will officially choose the winner randomly, not by skill or anything like that. You have 2 weeks starting today to email me!

I will be choosing with paper in a hat, I believe that's the only TRUE random way :D

So hurry and email me! The prize will be shown in some different post.
Again, thank you for all the views that have been with me from square one and so on. Means so much!
~iModifyNerfs Team


  1. I forgot to write..... US only! Sorry!

  2. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Wow, that's allot of views O_O

    Well, I sent you the email, so I guess we'll see what happens!

    Good luck everyone!

  3. Congratulations, keep up the great work!

    All the best with the comp - goodluck to everyone!! :)

  4. Very sorry guys! I don't want to pay 30 dollars for shipping :/

  5. Awesome! I just now hit 10,000 on my blog. That's good too, right? :P I'll email ya soon.


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