
Monday, May 14, 2012

Update: What I've Been Doing

So now that MSP testing is over,i'll still be busy with school. I have to do the CBA writing assessment, and science make-up work to improve the grade. But enough rambling about school. Now on to the main event:

So you remember the wipeout/pistol splat i posted? (link here) Since then i made some improvements...

          Yep, i made it 20% cooler and more comfterble. What inspired me to do improvements is Miredthoughs/EoCDragon's video toutorial on how to make a splat( video here and here) to do so.

First improvement: I trimed down the screw port and the little nub peice.

Second improvement: I made a homemade plunger head as seen in Miredthoughts's video toutorial.

Last improvement: i added some e-tape to the spring rest to make more compresion.

So thats what i've been up to lately. I'll have more posts after school stops being hard and busy for me. Untill then, catch you on the flip side! Cheers!



  1. That looks really nice!
    when you bought the gun did it have that kind of paint job?
    if not, and if so, it looks just like a star trek blaster!

    Good job and keep up the posts!

    1. Yes, it did come with that paint job

  2. Where did you get that splat? I've been trying to find one, but am having no luck.


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