
Monday, November 12, 2012

Project in the Works

Hello All,

This is Rmods here with a project that I have been working on recently. It still needs some cosmetic work and perhaps a paint job, however it is in perfect working condition.

It is basically a snap bow mk5 that I made using a few pieces I had from a broken one, with a newly fabricated body and handle. I will have a video about this blaster up soon on my YouTube page however I thought that I would post it here first to see what people think.

Now for some features:
-based on the Snap bow mk5 design
-Features a wooden handle
-about 7 inches of draw
-full spring compression
-good seal
-mechanical fastening (hot glue just to cover gaps, not to actually holds pieces on)
-completely modular :)

I hope you enjoy this and please feel free to ask any questions here or on my You Tube page



  1. That's a very nice SnapBow Rmods! You have stepped it up since your last one.

  2. Thanks! The body,trigger, and handle were much better than the last one I made a while ago. The machining I did on the body was also much better because I got to use my drillpress


Let Me Know What You Think!