
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Kimosabi's Airzone Quadshot

The picture says it all :)

I haz a Quadshot! This thing was extremely fun to make and I love the performance I'm getting out of it.

pew pew pew

I've put on 10 inch CPVC barrels. They're locked down with Devcon and E-putty. I cut a hole in the "original barrels" to provide stability.

For now, I have a 1/2 inch PVC coupler as barrel spacer. I'm ordering a couple from BBV soon though, and I also had an idea: I was working on a Panther a little while ago and noticed that the stock tank is extremely similar to the size of a PVC coupler, which makes a flawless barrel spacer itself (not cosmetically though). So I had an idea to put a panther tank as a barrel spacer and a backup blaster (that shoots 120 ft :P). I dunno what I'm gonna do yet though. Any ideas? Leave me a comment!

I added 2 rear loading holes. One on each side. Here's the left side,
And the right side.

I've made the stock removable by sanding down the shell a bit. It's similar to removing a Longstrike stock.
Even though this stock is incredibly small and uncomfortable, I just wanna keep it to provide a bit of support on your shoulder, so it can assist your accuracy A BIT. It's not comfortable, but it provides A BIT of support.


To attach it, I wedge the bottom "nub" into its slot, then hit the butt of the stock and pop in the top "nub" into its slot.

I put on 8 dart holders; I thought it was convenient with this blaster.

It has found a spot on a guitar stand, and that'll be its home  for now :D
Thanks for reading! Comments are appreciated!

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