
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Kimosabi's FuryFire

Here it is with an excessively long barrel.  Just looks cool with it.

I've cut the plastic with pipe cutters (I recommend minimizing blasters with pipe cutters when possible. It saves so much time).
1/2 inch CPVC coupler secured on with epoxy and hot glue.
4 1/2 inch CPVC barrel speedloader
Compared to my Singled Mav.

I hope you enjoyed the post my friends, and as always... Have nice day!  OR I SHOOT YOU!


  1. Sweet!, I think I might do that with one of my mavs, did you use a different spring for the mav?

    1. Mav spring + Sharp shot spring = :O

    2. O! U have to use 1/2 inch PVC as your coupler and Pex as your barrel adn a certain type of foam to get best results.


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