
Monday, April 9, 2012

Nerf stealing ideas?

A friend and I mailed some Nerf ideas to Nerf sometime back. To our surprise,them mailed us back that they liked our ideas and that we could try to make them in Chicago. Now,yesterday,he told me he got another letter and it said they were started the production run for one of our ideas,a Nerf grenade. We were both quite surprised that they would do this and I am doubting this entirely. Would Nerf do this? We already see what happened to UT.


  1. I'm not sure I follow your train of logic here. Why wouldn't Nerf take people's good ideas & suggestions? And what does UT have anything to do with whether or not they'd accept your ideas?

    1. Well,they can't steal our ideas. We almost disected some of our ideas to show how it would work and told them if they used them what to do. It doesn't make sense for Nerf to just steal them.

    2. The thing is, it's NOT stealing. If you send something to a company, they're gonna keep it.

      Also, why are you upset that they're "stealing" your ideas? If you sent in an idea to Nerf, you wanted them to do it, right?

    3. Yes,but we told them what to do if they use it.

    4. Honestly, you can bet there are hundreds of other modders out there who also thought of the same (or better) designs and also lay claim to all those ideas too. So you can't say Hasbro stole your ideas when you have not even posted working prototypes or examples online to show the public. Imho, i only see mods copied from other modders on this site, nothing original at all, so you guys can't even call yourselves "original" designers in the first place.

    5. Me again... i just spotted a "simple nerf grenade" post on this site back in 2011, so i take back my statement of you not having a working prototype (apologies for not checking that far back). But since that method has already been done by many other modders years ago, so you can't lay claim to that design anyways.

  2. Interesting. Hopefully the grenade is actually useful.

    Or maybe Hasbro was messing with you. :P

  3. If they steal your idea, maybe you can take some type of legal action against them.

  4. I sent a clip fed flywheel to hasbro once and they responded that because of legal issues they couldent use it. a couple of months later they came out with the rayven...

    1. i meant to say i sent a design.

    2. That was the first latter we got from them. Legal issues.

  5. Any proof of these emails?


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